White Spiced Rum
An award-winning white spiced rum produced exclusively via distillation with no added sugar, sweeteners, or colour. Caribbean rum is distilled with botanicals such as cinnamon, citrus, and vanilla. A bright and spicy rum with some botanical sweetness, a touch of anise, and a lingering citrus finish. Serve with your favourite mixer or in a Daiquiri.

Tasting Notes
Many spiced rums are dark, often as the result of added colour, and very sweet; ours is white and dry. We start with an unaged Caribbean rum as a base, which we redistill with a selection of spice botanicals. The result is a dry, clear spiced rum with no sugar, flavourings or colours.
Cinnamon, Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, Ginger, All Spice, Anise, Pink Peppercorn
Clean, sweet grassiness with chocolate, chamomile, and a spiced twist of citrus.
The gentle warmth of spice – cassia and cinnamon – before bright, zesty lemon, warm orange, cocoa, and smooth vanilla.
A crisp, dry finish with lingering floral notes of pink peppercorn and a hint of anise.

Signature Serve
Mixed with your favourite cola. Garnish with a slice of orange and a couple of pink peppercorns.